Setting up a new PC is always a bit of a bore, you end up spending days downloading and running installers. This is what I was doing when a friend tweeted me this:
@mattscode @MacsDickinson Chocolatey is amazing. Can get VS and everything for you
— Jason Mitchell (@jmitch18) August 7, 2013
And he was right. Chocolatey is amazing! It uses NuGet to download and install windows applications - all you have to do is run through the odd installation wizard.
Here's my powershell script with a brief description for each program.
# Installing Chocolatey
iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(""))
# Web Browsers
cinst GoogleChrome
cinst Firefox
# Utilities
cinst gimp # Open source paint and photo manipulation program
cinst vlc # The best media player
cinst 7zip # Package manager
cinst # MSPaint with more oomph
cinst filezilla # FTP Client
cinst FoxitReader # PDF Reader
cinst dropbox # Cloud storage
cinst spotify # Music Streaming
cinst ChocolateyPackageUpdater # Package auto updater
cinst steam # PC gaming client
cinst tweetdeck # Twitter client
# Productivity Tools
cinst autohotkey_l # Key mapper for customised keyboard short cuts
cinst greenshot # Screen shot utility
cinst ditto # Clipboard history manager
# Dev Tools
cinst VisualStudio2012Professional # Visual Studio
cinst resharper # Visual Studio productivity tools
cinst dotpeek # .NET decompiler
cinst fiddler # Web traffic profiler and debugger
cinst linqpad4 # C#/F# IDE
cinst beyondcompare # IMHO the best file comparer out there
cinst githubforwindows # Github GUI
cinst poshgit # Github powershell client
cinst expresso # Regular expression toolkit